Facebook 6.1 For iOS Updates: Improved Places Editing, Faster Events, New Photo Viewer Button

Facebook for iOS is all about sharing, which is why the new photo viewer button is an important one. Users can now directly save and share photos to their heart’s content, as well as set images as their profile pictures should they so wish. We don’t think you’ll be doing that last one all too often, but it’s always good to make things easier to do on-device. New app updates are always exciting, and today saw a new version of the Facebook for iOS app hit the App Store. More details and the download link can be found right after the jump.

Facebook’s change log says that the update features a new photo viewer button and improvements to both Places and Events on the iPhone specifically. The update is free and available via the App Store right now.

Two iPhone-specific updates follow, with the first being improved Places editing when checking in. It might not sound like much on the face of it, but if you’re a heavy user of Places then it could be huge. Facebook is obviously trying to increase usage of its Places feature, and removing friction on Apple’s smartphone will no doubt go some way to helping the social network achieve its goal in that regard.

Faster Events are also part of this update, another improvement that will no doubt come as a welcome addition for many, especially on mobile.

Perhaps most interesting though is the change in icon. Well, sort of. See, not everyone is reporting the new icon being available to them, whilst others are reporting a new, decidedly beta-looking icon adorning their iPhone home screen. Think the standard Facebook icon but with a white border, and you won’t be far off. Others also seem to have received the new Facebook News Feed as part of this update, though that may be pure coincidence rather than a change by design. If you’re seeing either of these, we’d love to hear from you!

Facebook’s iOS app is no doubt one of its most important, and any update is a good update as far as we’re concerned. The Facebook for iOS app is coming along nicely, and is probably one of the most used apps on the App Store. Facebook will do well to keep the updates coming!


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